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35 years in business in Co. Derry makes me accountable for what I say here and on TikTok.  I found a product that worked better than medication! As a Type 2 Diabetic, I'm no longer using Medication and have resolved a host of related issues in just 6 Months. 

A 90-day reset for your Gut! will change everything.

I was given a Statin for Cholesterol and failed to read the side effects. 

A year later I became diabetic, followed by high blood pressure, continued cholesterol issues,  blurred vision, brain fog, and Joint inflammation I also suffered muscle and strength loss and Severe Obstructive Sleep Apnea!

I started each day exhausted, leaning on Paracetamol and ibuprofen to motivate and get me moving. It quickly became a never-ending cycle and was draining my life!

I started using a simple method, and within weeks, my Blood sugar fell dramatically along with 7lbs,
So that caught my attention!  

In just 90 Days I felt normal again and everyone noticed the changes.  I found this method compatible with my busy work schedule. with no food restrictions, diets, or meal prep i found it so easy to follow.

90 days later, everything had changed.  I was finally in control of my issues and saw hope.  I had dropped 3 of my 7 Medications, and the rest just 3 months later!

Are you stuck in "Insulin Resistance"?

You naturally store energy. But it is also stuck in that mode! This 90-day system breaks that cycle allowing you a clear mind, and renewed focus.  You'll also feel amazing! 

Registered as a Unicity distributor, I'm supporting and helping 1000s within my circles and now, a certified franchise on a mission to help as many struggling with these issues related to Insulin Resistance.

'll ask the question, Are your meds healing your Issue? 

What's App, Call or Text Craig  Tel +44 (0) 79 8062 4933

We ship Worldwide.

What happens when you introduce these products?

Mental Clarity - Energy - Stamina - Better Digestion - Improved Sleep - Healthier Metabolism - Supports Healthy Glucose & Cholesterol Levels - Better Skin - Burn Fat - Promotes Ketones and Natural weight loss.  

Unimate yerba mate (yehr-bah mah-teh) this morning drink is incredibly pure and designed to support cognitive function, feelings of well-being and endurance.

  • Support healthy blood glucose levels and blood lipids (triglycerides, HDL and LDL).
  • Supports healthy blood pressure.
  • Increases a sense of well-being, enhanced mood and relaxation.
  • Promotes brain health and aids in mental health conditions.
  • Potent appetite suppressant and increases  body's ketone production resulting in increased fat-burning.
  • Powerful antioxidant and helps maintain healthy inflammatory status.
  • Significantly increases endurance, stamina and muscle recovery after workouts.
  • Rich source of vitamins, minerals and metabolites such as chlorogenic acid.
  • Supports overall metabolic health.

Balance fiber matrix drink is a pre-meal drink formulated with an exclusive blend of plant fibers and vitamins that slows the rate at which your body processes carbohydrates, aids cholesterol absorption, proper digestion and will keep you fuller for longer.

Balance was first developed by scientists at the University of Santa Barbara in 1986. For more than 35 years later, Balance has been extensively studied, peer-reviewed and published in the medical journals. It continues to be the most recommended natural health supplement by doctors and healthcare professionals worldwide.

  • Supports healthy blood glucose, insulin, cholesterol, triglyceride levels and blood pressure.
  • Supports healthy skin.
  • Supports healthy intestinal health.
  • Supports healthy immune system.
  • Supports healthy hormone balance.
  • Eliminates mid-day energy sags and promotes healthy sleep.
  • Supports healthy cardiovascular system.
  • Reduces appetite, minimize cravings and helps to stay fuller longer.
  • Fights the post-meal energy spike and crash.
  • Adds valuable fibers, nutrients and plant compounds to your diet.
  • Facilitates healthy weight loss.

How It Works
Take Unimate (500ml Water)
Wake up and start your morning with this delicious drink Hot or Cold

 Take Balance (250ml Water) 
10 minutes before you eat, then simply enjoy the food you love!

it's that simple

See below a typical day

When you wake.

Start your day with Unimate.
Unimate boosts your morning's focus and energy without breaking your fast from the night before.

You can take this Hot or Cold it's a great alternative to your morning Tea or Coffee and its Delicious.   Available in Lemon or Lemon and ginger. 

Your first meal

Have Balance before your largest meal of the day to slow the impact of the carbohydrates you consume. Take 10 Minutes before you eat.

Simply shake up in 250ml of water and drink straight away. Then eat the foods you love!

Your last meal

Have Balance again before dinner to slow the impact of the carbohydrate you consume and help you through the evening fasting period.


Start your fast after dinner. 12 hours to your morning UNIMATE and 16 hours until Lunch.  Using Unimate in the morning will keep you until your next meal. 

Don't be surprised by the boost of natural energy and lack of hunger, it works and you'll love the benefits. 

Trust this simple process! You'll see and feel the difference in a matter of days. 

Below is a timeline chart of what your day should look like.  Remember! No calorie counting and no diet! Follow this and eat what you want your body will dictate its needs as you go.  No Willpower required. 

"Follow this simple pattern below for best results"

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